BRIEF HISTORY & INTRODUCTION ON CIVIL HOSPITAL, AIZAWL  The present 300 Bedded Civil Hospital Aizawl had a modest beginning, Established in 1896 with a few Bed, it was functioned as a “Kuli Dispensary” and in 1906 the Hospital had around 12 Beds to cater to the Small population of that time. With the passage of time and moderate increase in populating there was demand for more beds. During 1960’s the Hospital had about 56 Beds (Male wards, Female wards, Isolating ward and Separate 12 Bedded T.B. wards). From 1966 onwards the massive influx / migration of Rural Population to Aizawl in search of Jobs, better Education and other opportunities necessitated the increase of bed strength to cope with the ever increasing demand. Around 1980 the total bed strength was around 200. The first Post Graduate trained Doctor in General Surgery and obs and Gynae joined the Hospital in 1971. Subsequently, more and more Post Graduate trained Doctors (Specialist) in various Specialities joined the Hospital from time to time leading to the Establishment of different departments based on Speciality to give need based specialized treatment. At present the following specialities for the best medical care services within the State of Mizoram are available in the Hospital – Surgery, Medicines, obs + Gynae, Pediatrics, Orthopedics, Dermatology, Radiology, Ophthalmology, ENT, Pathology, Bacteriology, Biochemistry, Anaesthesiology, Oncology, Forensic Medicines and Blood Bank. AIMS and OBJECTIVIES: Obviously Hospitals are established with a primary objective of giving the best medical care to the community / patients. However, the Quality of care will differ according to the Qualification, Experiences of the Doctors and Nurses and other paramedical Staff and Laboratory equipments and other infrastructural Support. COMPONENTS : This Hospital Provides :- - Routine outpatient diagnostic and therapeutic care.
- Emergency diagnostics and Therapeutic Care and Management.
- Indoor patient care management.
- Liaison with police in medico legal cases.
- Collection of casualties from accident and Disaster sites.
- To organize reception centre in the event of Disaster.
- Education, Training and research activities.
This Hospital also provides practical training to Doctors in MTP, Tubectomy (mini lap and Laparoscopic) one year pre- registration training for MBBS students, One year certificate course (Houseman ship) training for MBBS graduates in different specialities. This Hospital also provides Hospital practice area for BSc. Nursing students, EGC and Radiography Course for technicians. The Hospital to a large extent apart from giving best Medical Services to the people of Mizoram wants to reduce the number of patients referred to Hospitals outsides the States with liberal funds. More equipments support the Hospital authority can achieve their objectives within a short time. |