Nursing Service in Mizoram was started during the British period by the missionaries based on mission hospitals hundred years ago. But those trainings were on job training without proper certification. Proper and systematic nursing service in Mizoram was established only in 1974. Mizo girls make good and excellent nurses probably because of societal and cultural influence of selfless service to others inherent among the Mizo. They give quality nursing care and are in great demand in many hospitals in India.
However, nursing service in Mizoram is lagging behind other than the states of India because of lack of funds, remoteness of the area, difficult communication, due to hilly terrain, difficult in pursuing higher education, in-service training and professional development. Because of all the above factors as mentioned above, there are many areas/lots of improvement are necessary to meet the minimum Health Care service in Mizoram.
In pursuant to the decision of the Council of Minister which was held on 31.07.2023 vide No.J.11011/1/2023-POL/Vol II Dt. 01.08.2023, the Governor of Mizoram is please to order establishment of Directorate of Nursing under Health & Family Welfare Department. The Principal Director, Health & F.W. Department shall be ex-officio Director for Directorate of Nursing. Moreover, Joint Director of Accounts, Office of the Principal Director, Health & F.W. shall look after the account of the Directorate of Nursing.
AchIevement & Results During 2022-23
Post filled
Sl. No. | Date | Name of Post | No. of post filled | Mode of Recruitment |
1 | 02.03.2022 | Ward Superintendent | 4 | Promoted from Staff Nurse |
2 | 31.05.2022 | Principal | 1 | Promoted from Tutor |
3 | 19.08.2022 | Nursing Superintendent | 1 | Promoted from W/S |
4 | 29.09.2022 | Ward Superintendent | 6 | Promoted from Staff Nurse |
5 | 11.10.2022 | Ward Superintendent | 2 | Promoted from Staff Nurse |
6 | 10.11.2022 | Ward Superintendent | 1 | Promoted from Staff Nurse |
7 | 21.11.2022 | District Nursing Supdt | 1 | Promoted from Staff Nurse |
8 | 19.12.2023 | Nursing Superintendent | 1 | Promoted from W/S |
9 | 05.01.2023 | Ward Superintendent | 1 | Promoted from Staff Nurse |
10 | 03.02.2023 | Ward Superintendent | 2 | Promoted from Staff Nurse |
11 | 01.03.2023 | Nursing Superintendent | 2 | Promoted from W/S |
12 | 15.03.2023 | Principal | 1 | Promoted from Tutor |
13 | 28.03.2023 | Ward Superintendent | 3 | Promoted from Staff Nurse |
14 | 03.04.2023 | Ward Superintendent | 1 | Promoted from Staf fNurse |
Sl. No. | Name of Institution | Name of Course | Duration of Course | No. of intake per Year | Board/ | No. of Passing out 2022-2023 |
1. | Mizoram College of Nursing, Falkawn, Mizoram | B.Sc.(N) | 4 Yrs | 30 | MZU | 31 |
2. | Nursing School Lunglei, Salem Veng, Lunglei, Mizoram | GNM | 3 yrs | 20 | MNC | 22 |
3. | School of Nursing Thingdawl, Kolasib Thingdawl, Kolasib District, Mizoram | GNM | 3 yrs | 20 | MNC | 20 |
4. | Health Workers’ Training Institute, Kulikawn, Aizawl | ANM/HW | 2 yrs | 50 | MNC | 33 |
5. | ANM School Lawngtlai, Lawngtlai, Mizoram | ANM | 2 yrs | 20 | MNC | 20 |
6. | ANM School Aizawl, Zemabawk, Aizawl, Mizoram | ANM | 2 yrs | 20 | MNC | 18 |
7. | ANM School Mamit, Mamit, Mizoram | ANM | 2 yrs | 20 | MNC | Newly establish for Academic Session 2021-2022 |