1. Population Foundation of India – JRD TATA Memorial Award for Population, Reproductive and Child Health on July 31st 2012.
  2. RSBY Best Improve State in the N.E. Region 2011 was awarded to this Mizoram State Health Care Society,the Award was received by Dr.Biakthansangi,Dy.CEO at Ranchi, Jharkhan. Out of 73,261 BPL Family, 46789 (63.90%) has been registered during 2011 under RSBY Scheme
  3. The largest & best selling Magazine in India (India Today) has awarded Most Improved State inHealth amongst small states in India to State Govt. The State Health Minister, _ received the award from Union Finance Minister, Pranab Mukherji on 4.11.2011 in New Delhi
  4. On the celebration of 5th Rising Day of the NRHM, The Central Govt. has awarded the 2ndBest PerformingState during 2005-10Health under NRHM amongst North East States in India. The State Health Minister, _ received the award from Vice President of India at Vigyan Bhavan, New Delhi on12.4.2010
  5. The First I.S.O. Certificate in N.E. India Hospital was given to Civil Hospital, Aizawl. The ISO Certificate was received by _, Health Minister from Dr. J.N. Srivastava, Sr. Consultant, Public Health Quality Improvement, New Delhi on 18.2.2011 on the Civil Hospital Auditorium
  6. The Govt. of India awarded Rs. 25 lacs to State Govt. for Family Planning in appreciation of its outstanding achievement during 1987-88.
  7. The Govt. of India awarded Rs. 10 lacs to State Leprosy Society in appreciation of its outstanding achievement during 2001-02
  8. The Deptt. is awarded in recognition of distinguished services, loyalty & devotion of Polio Plus Programme
  9. Office of the District Commissioner, Aizawl awarded Health Deptt. in appreciation of valuable support rendered during General Election 1998
  10. Best Performing in TB Case Detection & Cure Rate in India during 2007-08 was awarded to this Mizoram TB Control Program
  11. 5th JRD TATA Memorial Award 2011 was given to Health Deptt., Mizoram for its performance on 13 key indicators on population, reproductive health and the family planning prgramme over the last decade among the non-high focused states. The award has been received on 31.July 2012 at New Delhi and received by _, Minister,Health from Prof Amartya Sen.

12. Health & F.W. Department won 3rd Prize (Citation with cash Rs. 50,000/-) for Government Website Excellence Award, 2020 amongst 336 websites under Government of Mizoram organised by Department of Information and Communication Technology under the Chairmanship of Hon’ble Minister, ICT Department, Mizoram which was held on 30.3.2021 in the Secretariat Conference Hall, MINECO.

13. On 10 October 2023, Mental Health Programme has securing the 2nd position in the North East State Category by achieving the 2nd Highest Number of Calls in the National Tele Mental Health Programme.